How to use filters

Filters are powerful tools that allow you to limit the information you see in the table based on criteria you set.

Let's start by working with the Patients tab. When you first view the data on the patients tab, two pre-set filters are applied to your patient data: the patients are shown 15 per page, and only active patients are displayed. In the space above the tabular display of your patient data, you will see this:


The boxes to the right of the blue arrow-shaped box are the applied filters.

Say you want to find a patient "Mary Smith" in your patient list. Click on "Add a filter" and choose "Last name". A box will appear that allows you to type in "Smith" and click "Apply". You will be presented with a list of all patients whose last name is Smith.


Maybe you want to look at all of your patients who have taken surveys between January 1 and March 31, including patients who may be marked inactive. To remove the "active patients" filter, click on the word "active" and select "Remove". The "active patients" box will disappear. Then choose "Add a filter" and select "Last taken". You can use the arrows in the calendar pop-up box to move from month to month. To select a range, find January and click the "1"; then find March and click the "31". Select "apply", and you'll set the date range. Only those patients who took a survey between those dates will appear in the list.


You can also change the number of patients that are displayed at one time by clicking the "15" in the patients-per-page filter. Select a larger number from the drop-down menu, click "apply", and you'll be able to see more patients per page (or all of your patients, if you wish).


Filters exist in many locations, and the filter parameters change based on the page. The filters available on the Patients tab are not the same as those available on the Surveys tab. They change appropriately with the type of data you are viewing. You can safely play with filters to learn how they work; they do not add or delete data.

If you have further questions about filters, please contact KDQOL Complete Support at the top of the page.